K9 Unit
Deb ​Ash
K9 Saleen
HRD Land & Crime Scene
K9 Chance
HRD In-Training
Deb Ash started in SAR in 1999 in New Hampshire realizing a passion with dogs and search and rescue that started as a child.
First with Search Dogs Northeast and then starting a SAR team, Canine Alert Search Teams (CAST) in 2005. CAST disbanded in 2015 after a 10 year run of providing IPWDA certified K9s to local police and fire in the Monadnock region of Southern New Hampshire.
She has certified her own K9s in IPWDA Crime Scene, Water and 160 Live Find and has assisted in helping many handlers and K9s in achieving SAR certifications. In 2013 CAST was the first team in the US to bring the International Rescue Dog (IRO) certifications to the US. Her K9 Eisen was both IPWDA certified HRD Crime Scene and Water and IRO Level B certified Live Find. Deb is currently working IPWDA certified K9 Saleen and has a young Dutchie, Chance, in the pipeline.
Pam Granade/SARII​
K9 Tate

Pam joined SCSAR in 2021. She is certified as a SARTECH II with NASAR. K9 Tate is a two year old German shepherd dog; Tate and Pam are certified in HRD Land with NASAR. Tate loves to do any type of training that involves a toy reward.
Kevin Hite
K9 Khaos

Trailing Coordinator
K9 Ada
Level 3
AMPWDA Wilderness
AMPWDA Trailing Instructor
Level 1 GAK9
David Hartman joined SCSAR in 2021. In addition to K9 Trailing, he serves on Ground Team and Drones. He and his wife Mary have a Czech German Shepherd, Ada. Ada earned her Level 3 Wildnerness Trailing through AMPWDA along with AMPWDA Urban Trailing. Ada is also being trained in Human Remains Detection. David is an AMPWDA Certified Trainer for Trailing, and you can find him at many of the AMPWADA seminars helping others learn to handle their K9s.
David has a Bachelor’s Degree in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech and a Master’s in Business. Mary and David both spent careers in Computer Science, specializing in cloud computing software. David is an active light aircraft pilot and volunteers with Civil Air Patrol as a SAR Mission Pilot.

Adrienne Kerchner joined SCSAR in 2023. Adrienne got her first Bloodhound in 1999 and fell in love with the breed. She has been a Bloodhound K9 handler since 2014 and is SARTECH II certified. Her current partner, K9 Jocassee, is certified through NASAR.
Adrienne and her husband, Scott Johnson, have two other fur children. Their other NASAR certified Bloodhound, Wyatt, is a retired deputy sheriff from Broward County, FL. He mostly enjoys his retirement, but also still works on occasion. Jasper, is a Bloodhound/Tibetan Mastiff mix who lives the good life.
Adrienne is originally from Northern Virginia and has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Clemson University as well as a Bachelor's Degree in Administration of Justice from George Mason Unversity. In the fall, she and Scott enjoy their Saturdays cheering on the Tigers in Death Valley. GO TIGERS! Her career is in Federal Contracting specializing in Contracts Management.
Adrienne is still an avid softball player after 30+ years, volunteers with dog rescue and biweekly dog transports, and is a member of the Daughter's of the American Revolution.
Deb ​Ash
Air Scent Coordinator
K9 Saleen
HRD Land & Crime Scene
Internal Certified Air Scent
K9 Chance
HRD In-Training
Deb Ash started in SAR in 1999 in New Hampshire realizing a passion with dogs and search and rescue that started as a child.
First with Search Dogs Northeast and then starting a SAR team, Canine Alert Search Teams (CAST) in 2005. CAST disbanded in 2015 after a 10 year run of providing IPWDA certified K9s to local police and fire in the Monadnock region of Southern New Hampshire.
She has certified her own K9s in IPWDA Crime Scene, Water and 160 Live Find and has assisted in helping many handlers and K9s in achieving SAR certifications. In 2013 CAST was the first team in the US to bring the International Rescue Dog (IRO) certifications to the US. Her K9 Eisen was both IPWDA certified HRD Crime Scene and Water and IRO Level B certified Live Find. Deb is currently working IPWDA certified K9 Saleen and has a young Dutchie, Chance, in the pipeline.
Air Scent Area Search
K9 Gunner
Air Scent
Air Scent
Air Scent

Marty was born and raised in Memphis, TN and has lived in South Carolina since 2007. He and his wife have been married for 29 years, have a son, have daughter and have one grandson. He grew up in the outdoors, having had many hunting dogs over the years, but never a working dog. Gunner is his first working dog, he is a very high energy Golden Retriever. His favorite activity is fetching, followed by swimming and hiking. According to Marty (thank you for the kind words), he has learned more about dogs in the last few months by working with the K9 Team than he had during the first 53 years of his life.
Air Scent Area Search
K9 Dock
Air Scent
Air Scent
NAPWDA Certified Area Search
Marion joined SCSAR in 2024. After graduating from Clemson University in 1987, Marion returned to Spartanburg to work in small business. He and his wife, Elizabeth, have 2 daughters, Catherine Eve and Ashley. As a small business owner, Marion always saw the importance of volunteerism and community involvement. From 2007-2012, he served on the Board of Directors for HALTER, a local nonprofit that provides therapeutic horseback riding to the handicapped.....Combining the unique skills of animals with community service is a very
fulfilling endeavor, and Marion has been fortunate to have found several organizations whose membership has been so welcoming and generous with their knowledge.
Marion holds a NASAR SAR II certification and a PADI open water scuba certification.
Air Scent Area Search
K9 Dusty
Air Scent
Internally Certified
Mike has been with Spartanburg County Emergency Management for over 1 year now. Mike took ownership of K9 Dusty in the Summer of 2022. Dusty was trained by former SCSAR handler Allison Scott, achieving AMPWDA level 2 certification. However, Mike has made Dusty his own, changing her reward and most recently, going into early Humain remains work with Dusty. Mike hopes to certify with IPWDA this call and achieved internal certification in July, 2023. When Mike isn't working, he enjoys spending time with his wife and fur babies as they have an RV and love to travel.

In-Active / Retired
Seymour / SARII
Air Scent - InActive

K9 Roscoe
Retired Trailing
K9 Cricket
Air Scent
Previous AMPWDA Level 2 Air Scent
Tyra Seymour joined SCSAR in 2013 and quickly became SAR II Certified by the Summer of 2013. Since that time, Tyra has taken numerous classes, participated in numerous searches, and has become a proven leader on this team.
During Tyra's SAR career, his interest in SAR K9's grew and beginning in 2018, Tyra began training his first trailing dog, Cricket. Since then, Tyra adopted the infamous trailing dog Roscoe in February 2019, one of Mark Webb's well known SAR dogs (Coastal Carolina). Now, Tyra the ground searcher is Tyra the K9 Handler/ground searcher.
When Tyra isn't "Tyra: K9 Handler/Ground Searcher", Tyra is a loving husband and proud father of two children. In addition to his 2 children, Trya also has 4 fur babies and 1 cat. When Tyra's isn't wide open at home, he's wide open at work. Tyra is the owner of Eastlight Home Services where he specializes in home repairs and/or renovations.

Air Scent Area Search
K9 Brodie
Air Scent
Air Scent
Air Scent

Robbie has been with Spartanburg County Emergency Management for 19 years, married for 9 years, and has 4 beautiful daughters. Robbie took ownership of K9 Brodie in October 2021. Brodie was trained by Brandy Eggeman, gifted by Edwin Grant, and Robbie has sustained Brodie's training. On May 22, 2022 K9 Brodie and Robbie passed their evaluation for AMPWDA Level 1, Air Scent.