Ground Unit
We began our venture into SAR as a ground team and since that time, we've formed one of the more robust teams in our region. Currently, our ground team exceeds 70 members and the minimum requirements, for all of our ground team members, are the following:
IS 100, IS 317, IS 700, IS 800
CPR/First Aid
Wilderness First Aid
Background Check
In addition to the above requirements, many of our members have IC-200, IC-300, IC-400, IC-800, Managing the Inland Search Function/Lost Person Behavior, All Hazards IMT, etc. Since SCSAR began as a ground unit in 2006, this is our most robust Unit. With so many ground team members and members in general, we're adding Member Spotlights as we receive them. Therefore, if a name is hyperlinked, feel free to learn more about that member. As of 5/23, here is our Ground Unit roster:
William Alexander SARII
Ted Andrus, SARII
Tara Aperis, SARII
Anthony Aun, SARII
Gus Ballard
Todd Ballew SARII/EMR
Carol Ann Birtcil SARII
Brian Brown SARII/EMR
Michael Brown, SARII
Paleather Burnett SARII
Nina Cabe,SARII
John Chism
Geoffrey Drake, SARII
Alex Duncan, SARII
Robert Espindola SARII/EMR
Tara Ferrel, SARII
Donna Frady, SARII
Joshua Godfrey, SARII
Megan Golbus - EMT-P SARII
Tyler Golbus, EMT SARII
Darryl Goodwin SARII
Ben Gray SARII
Lee Gosnell SARII
Ben Gray, SARII
Doug Grenade, SARII
Pam Grenade, SARII
Kohlten Groce, SARII
Ty Grogan, SARII
Robert Grudzien SARII/EMT-A
Christina Hogle, SARII
David Hartman, SARII
Marty Hester, SARII
Kevin Hite, SARII
Benjamin Lappin SARII
Christina Lee, SARII
Timothy Mock
Jeanetta Morrow SARII
Owen Murphy, SARII
Dwayne Nolt, SARII
Alexander Nichols, SARII
Jonathan Nuckolls SARII
Sara Nuckolls, SAR II
Ashley Poole EMT-P
Sydnie Pye
Bryan Ray, SARII
Dr Garrett Root, SARII
Ana Saldierna
Michelle Scruggs SARII
James Seacord
Daniel Smith
Kinsey Soniat
Harrison Swann, EMT, NCLFTM
Robbie Swofford SARII/EMR
Clemson Turregano
Valerie Vernet SARII
Andrew West
Susan Whitehead
Brian Williamson SARII/EMR
Mark Yerkes SARII
Christopher Youman SARII