SCSAR Member Spotlight
1. Name: Guy Seymour
2. Hometown: Greer, SC
3. How many years have you been with us? Less than one.
4. What is your role with us? Ground Search
5. What is your occupation? Purchasing, ISO, Logistics, Asset Mgt, etc.
6. What do you enjoy most about volunteering with us? Great people having a lot of fun!
7. What is the hardest part of the volunteer work you do with us? Taking advantage of all the opportunities!
8. What are your hobbies? Bass Guitar; Building Hot Rods; Running; Backpacking; Residential Construction; Shooting;
9. What is your favorite travel spot? Charleston, SC.
10. What is your motto or personal mantra?
".... believing deeply in something, and following that belief, is the most important thing a person can do...I am here to tell you that it is much less important how committed you are than what you are committed to." Former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia